recent development activity
On this page you can see the most recent commits into the source code repository. That also includes changes to the software after the last release that made public. They are not always stable, not always well tested or complete, but these changes may fix the bugs you face, implement features you want badly or break things you do not care about.
If you already checked out the repository, you probably know that already.
- Our free softwareKIN
- 2011
- tinimalistic template preprocessorcliche
- 2009
- Eye-Fi card manageriii
- 2008
- Sleeptracker® PRO softwarenapkin
- 2006
- flickr manager firefox extensionfireflix
- midi manipulation c++ library and toolsmidillo
- 2005
- c++ OpenID support librarylibopkele
- 2004
- convenience librarykonforka
- process monitoring daemondudki
- c++ web development enginesitecing
- c++ CGI support librarykingate
- 1998
- ntalk client and daemonT42
- syslog serverklog
- console mode telnet clientkinsole
- 1997
- TFTP server and clientpumpkin
- simple network monitoring toolbigbrother
- 1996
- download mirror evaluatordipstick